Dubai Sales Elevation Experience

6th-8th of February 2024

 ‘If you can dream it you can do it’ 

My favourite Walt Disney quote has always been at the heart of my ambition in my business, and where better to dream than Dubai. 

Dubai is one of my favourite places to go, and I am so excited to be hosting my next retreat there! 

Join me for Dubai Sales Elevation Experience from 6th-8th of February 2024 

3 days of learning, growth, aspiration, dreaming and fun!!!! 


When we take time and space from our business, magical things happen. The hustle bustle of every day life, in your business, at home and the day to day jobs get in the way of our creative ideas, motivation and inspiration. In taking time out to learn, develop and grow, we find new ideas, answers and  space. 

Ready to unlock a new level, unleash your inner sales woman, reach your potential? Come and join me for three days in Dubai…. 

We will look at...

The sales in your business 
Your mindset and how you can unlock your next level 
Money and how you can make more of it 
How to position yourself and your personal brand 
How to take your sales to the next level 

The learning will only be a small part of what happens on this retreat, the power of a retreat is what happens out of the learning space. You will meet ambitious entrepreneurs who, just like you are ready to unlock their next level of success, you will connect, work collaboratively and even make new friends. 

This retreat will be a combination of learning, down time and activities. 

Day 1

Morning - Workshops, learning and speakers     

 Afternoon - Free time 

Evening - Informal drinks party 

Day 2

Morning - Workshops, learning and speakers

Afternoon - Explore Dubai trip to The Burj Khalifa and The Slide 

Evening - Free time 

Day 3

Morning - Hot seats 

Afternoon - Free time 

Evening - Celebration meal

Who is this for?

Action takers who are ready to take their sales and their business to the next level. 
Those who recognise that space and time out of their business is necessary to grow. 
People who love being inspired by others, working collaboratively and supporting others.

Charlie’s retreat was such a good opportunity to get some distance from my business - to be able to think bigger and receive inspiration on even more ways to make sales. The combination of Charlie’s wisdom, alongside her quality guest speakers, and the power of networking with other business owners - all under the glorious Spanish sun. If you’re thinking about signing up, don’t hesitate. It’s the funnest investment you can make in your own business.


Polly Lavarello

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